Friday, July 11, 2008

Camel High

up up in the sky! camel high.

Old school ugly

Damn,, he was way pass puberty in these pictures from 1996 -2000 and this ni#$A was and is ugly as hell.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Twins, A-alikes ,Ace.

His long lost kin...who would've thought it was......Alf.

Ad's that surely will make Ca-mel dough

These are just some ideas for that advertising company he "created" with Steve Stoute.They are probably holding on to em' for now.Match made in heaven.

Like father like son...

I heard this is who stylin' this fool, I knew he looked familiar.He looks like just the guy, and trust that is'nt a compliment.

Young Ca-Mel Suit swagga.

Gettin' his grown look on, but he still look busted. How does he manage to ruin good suits guess the clothes really don't matter, its the person in 'em. whoa stay in the house homie.

Old school ugly

1995 oooog-ly cuz he's not plain old ugly, he's worse.

Ca-Mel Swag

This Camel is insanely ugly, he said he look like his dad, man......damn.why?whoppi, why?